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Want a website that works on mobile devices?

No worries, we got you covered! All of our web design solutions are developed with mobile devices in mind. We employ fast loading & clean coding loved by Google! Our websites work on smart phones, tablets and many other mobile devices!

Why Will My Customers & Google Love a Mobile Responsive Website?mobile-table-desktop-responsive-web-design

Well.. A lot has changed since the beginning of the internet. In the days of the old, developers didn’t need to write special codes to make a websites to fit between tiny view ports or your hands in the simplest terms. Back then we didn’t have touch screen devices which meant website designers didn’t need to worry about mobile friendly designs. But now, thanks to the innovations of companies such as Apple and the likes, we now have smart phones which we can utilise to go online on the go.

Your Customers Don’t Want Outdated, Confusing Layouts That Don’t Have Proper Mobile Navigation.

It’s not healthy for your online reputation. Not only is it distracting for your users on mobile devices, but Google takes everything into account including if your website contains these codes which enable your site to be viewable on phones etc.. If your site doesn’t contain these codes, it will most likely be penalised or demoted in search engines.

The trends are increasingly moving towards this type of design as the popularity of mobile devices continue to rise. As a result, Google has a strong focus on ranking websites with mobile devices in mind. A big reason as to why is due to user retention rate on websites.

Don’t Be That Website Owner With a Site Collecting Cobwebs!

Outdated website layouts tend to result in higher bounce rates on mobile devices. Bounce rate meaning the time it takes for your potential customer to exit the page. The quicker they leave, the higher the bounce rate. Bounce rate indicates a few factors which Google takes into account. According to our research, a website with lower bounce rate will signal your website is more useful than one with high bounce rate. Which in turn can result in your website being ranked higher than competitors in search results.

Increase Mobile User Interaction With Ease of Use & Efficient Designs

A design which incorporates the information users are looking for in a single scroll down fashion are more effective than those with designs that you must scroll left and right for. If you think about it, its only natural for us on a mobile phone to simply flick up and down to read the info as it comes. We often get frustrated when we have to scroll to the top right corner to find a piece of info, then bottom left to find something else, then zig zag some more until you find what you’re looking for. Its a headache and I certainly add to those bounce rates for those easily annoyed such as me.

Contact Newy Web today for Responsive Web Design, Newcastle based!

If you are struggling to understand these concepts, or need to implement it to your busines online ASAP please don’t hesitate to contact us!

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