If you’re thinking about searching for the “Best Web Hosting Australia” as your having thoughts of starting a blog or a website, but aren’t sure which web hosting companies offer the best deals to Australians, well never fear and read on. Todays post is about the top 3 web hosts that offer quality hosting services to Australia. First we must make mention that we will be including overseas companies that offer cheap and reliable hosting down under.
3. HostGator
HostGator has been around since we can remember. The company boasts a large database of registered users and serves millions of users daily. HostGator plans are affordable and can run Australian websites with decent speed. It isn’t the greatest web host for Australians but its a general start.
2. Zuver
Zuver is an Australian based domain name and hosting provider that offers pretty competitive rates and free SSL certificate (green lock on domain name). It is owned by a larger company named VentraIP who’s business has been in domain name and hosting for some time now. We believe Zuver was conceptualised to offer competitive rates to the general public as their larger company VentraIP serves bigger business clients.
1. DreamHost
This is our number 1 pick. DreamHost is incredibly user friendly and very easy to use. They have stripped the cPanel interface and replaced it with their own easier version to use. Installing WordPress and other content management systems couldn’t be easier with their new implementation. DreamHost support is also the best you will get around the world. They have seriously experienced staff members that can help troubleshoot any problem you incur. They are swift to act, full of knowledge and are eager to help.
There you have it folks! This is the top 3 best web hosting companies for Australians looking to get online at a very reasonable cost.